(209) 394-4444

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About Us:

In 1971, Hunter Farms was established by Wil and Connie Hunter in Livingston, CA. Over the years, Wil and Connie continued to grow their operations and eventually added the help of their son, Scott, in 1992. Hunter Farms currently raises almonds and pistachios throughout Merced County in the towns of Livingston, Snelling and Atwater.

Hunter Farms acquired the Trindade Dairy property in 2011 just east of Buhach on the south side of SP Avenue in Atwater. Almond trees were planted on the front acreage of the property and pumpkins were planted around the historic 100 year old hay barn located on the south side of the ranch. Hunter Farms Pumpkin Patch opened its doors to the public for its first season in October of 2013 and continues to serve family fun to the community every October. In March 2021, the pumpkin patch saw the addition of a new neighbor to the west, Hunter Field. Hunter Field is a private baseball field set up to play 50/70, 54/80 and 60/90. It’s 344’ to center field, 282’ to left and 277’ to right.

Why a baseball field at a farm? Baseball has always been a part of life for the Hunter Family. It began with Wil playing Little League in West Covina as a young boy. When Scott was 9, he started playing baseball at Glendora Little League in Southern California.

He loved baseball and continued to play for South Hills Babe Ruth, Pasadena Babe Ruth and then on to La Salle High School. Scott enjoyed playing collegiate baseball while he attended CSU, Long Beach before transferring to Chaffee College in Rancho Cucamonga and finishing his college career at Cal Poly Pomona. Scott played in the Jay Hawk League for the Hayes Larks in Kansas as well as the Santa Maria Indians before ending his baseball playing career. He and wife Michelle have been involved in baseball and softball with their three children since the oldest started tee ball in 2010. Scott has coached every year since 2010 including seasons with multiple recreation, travel and school teams simultaneously for his kids.

Scott always talked about how convenient it would be to have his own field for practice, but it was just talk, until 2020 when no one could find a field and kids were unable to play here in California. Fortunately, Wil and Scott saw the potential in a piece of land that wasn’t able to grow crops, just weeds. They were using the land as an equipment/parts area.

At the end of 2020, they cleared, ripped and leveled the land to start building their dream. After several months of daily construction, Hunter Field became a reality. On the weekend of March 27-28, 2021, Hunter Field hosted its first 13u baseball tournament for five teams. The Hunter Family looks forward to many years and generations of baseball at Hunter Field. Play ball!


2985 N. Southern Pacific Ave.
Atwater, CA 95301

(209) 394-4444



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